Hanuman, hey, hey, hey, I’m Hanuman
Here to tell you that your Ram
Will rescue you before long
Hey, hey, hey, I’m Hanuman
Faithful follower of Ram
I’ll help you escape from Ravana
Hey, hey, hey, I’m Hanuman
I met your Ram
Along with his brother Laxman
Searching for you
I decided I’d help
Fight for and rescue you
Hanuman, hey, hey, hey, I’m Hanuman
Here to tell you that your Ram
Will rescue you before long
Hey, hey, hey, I’m Hanuman
Trust me oh great lady
Proof I am giving thee
Your fallen fine jewellery
Which you had dropped
To clue us as to where you
Were kidnapped and taken to
Woe befall the one who
Dared take you
Hanuman, hey, hey, hey, I’m Hanuman
I’m here to tell you that your Ram
Will rescue you before long
He’ll pay for his act
It’ll lead to his premature death
Ram will attack
And wipe him right out with my help
Send him straight to his death
Trust me oh great lady
Proof I am giving thee
Your fallen fine jewellery
Which you had dropped
My army will assist Ram
Till the end fight Ravana
I promise that we will defend
Your honour till the end
Hanuman, hey, hey, hey, I’m Hanuman
Here to tell you that your Ram
Will rescue you before long
Hey, hey, hey, I’m Hanuman
Repeat twice